Here he is playing a 'guitar'. It was soooo hilarious, I wish we had it on video!
And here is Jordan with Miss Melodee his teacher. She was awesome and ran a great program! Jordan learned all sorts of things this year... and is ahead of his age group thanks to her.
And this picture has nothing to do with the preschool program. But while we were there Trevor had a rough time as usual and complained at the end of being cold. He wanted to wrap up in a blanket to get away. So when we left he took the blanket we sat on and buried himself in it for the ride home. After we got home he got his jammies on and was still complaining about being cold and wanting to 'hide' in a blanket. A few minutes later I was going around gathering the garbages and I found him here. I normally don't take pictures of the kids on the toilet, but you can see why I did. It was just too funny for words! Good thing I scrubbed the toilet today, huh?
awwww... Cute, cute boys! Jordan looks hilarious, and that cracks me up about the blanket on the potty!!
Congratulations Jordan, graduating from preschool is a very big deal. We are glad you were having so much fun!
Those are some priceless pictures. Congrats Jordan! You are getting so big. Just a few months before you start kindergarten. Wow, time flies. Love what Trevor did with the blanket.
Kindergarten is on its way! Can you believe it? I loved the pictures! Very cute boys!
cute gutiar playing, I love to find where kids deciede to go. Love the toliet scence too funny.
That picture made me laugh!!! He is so funny sometimes. I wish I could've been there to see little jordan boggie it up! I love the pictures though.
that is so put those pictures together and it almost looks like were not missing the dance!
As for Trevor...well, he is getting some missionary pictures early. I swear thomas has a ton of him or some companion sitting on the throne(I am TOTALY willing to bet that Scott does too!)It must be really funny to 18-21 year old boys.
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