Since Josh has been diagnosed with Apraxia of Speech (a speech disorder), we are not sure how long until he will speak. We have already been doing sign language with him and he knows 8 signs. But some of the more complex signs are still difficult for him due to his Dyspraxia. He has a hard time remembering and putting all the motor movements together to sign. So like we did with Trevor, here we go with the PECS again. For those of you who want a little info, PECS stands for Picture Exchange Communication System. Basically he hands me a picture of what he wants. That way he only has to learn to hand me a picture when he is need something and it is the same movements over and over. So I took all the pictures we need for now and finally got them in a binder. I did something like this for Trevor, but this is much better and more durable. So I thought I would share some pictures of what I have been doing at night when everyone is asleep. LOL!
This is the front cover. I just put 6 peices of velcro on it so I can attach a couple pictures at a time... like for him to pick a snack for mealtime. That way he doesn't get so overwhelmed with all the pictures at once.
What a great idea and wow, a lot of work. Like I always say, you are such a good mom!
Wow! No small task! I remember you takling about it before but that was in teh dark ages befoer insta-photo-send! :) Nice to see your huge project!
What an awesome idea! Hopefully this will help him. It is so hard when they can't tell you anything!
I remember when you did this for Trevor. It seemed to work. Good luck with it on Josh. I hope it helps.
Wow looks like it was pretty time consuming! You such a great mom!
Keep up the good (hard) work. Your kids are luck to have such a caring mom. I can tell from your blog they are your whole life. If only every child had what your kids have, the world would be a better place.
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