Now... today I took Jordan in for his Kindergarton Physical. He did very well with all the testing. His eyes are great, his iron is good and finally there is no longer blood in his urine. He weighs a whopping 33.3 pounds which put him into the 3rd%. The doctor suggested some PediaSure to get some calories in him. We'll see about that. He was 42.5 in tall and in the 50% for that. So tall and thin. Like usual. They had us fill out a developmental questionaire with all sorts of things for Jordan to do (such as drawing, writing, ect). He was quite a bit above the average on that in every area. He is doing great!!! It is soo nice to see that for me since I don't spend the time I need to with him on those things. Thank goodness for preschool!
So, the bad news? He has Strep!!! His lymph nodes were swollen.. have been for about a month and so she wanted to do a test. I was a little surprised about that since he is acting fine. When the test came back positive, I was floored! So he has had it for awhile. Poor kid. So he didn't get his shots today (he was happy) and we will go back next week for a second strep test and shots. Yea for us!
I have included a couple pictures of Jordan at the airport this past week with the F-16's. My dad got some good pictures of him and I wanted to share!
So, as I emailed, I'm glad you let us know. ;) And then also I was going to say- I empathize with the mroe sickness...Sienna threw up this mronign for NO REASON. oy....
Cute plane pictures. Yuck on the strep. Good luck with everything.
Still can't believe Jordan has strep...I hope he kicks it with the meds. Now he has to go all week knowing shots are coming.
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