Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thankful Thursdays

I am thankful for my new washer and dryer. I am still amazed 6 weeks later at how fast I can get loads of laundry done. I used to spend so much time on the laundry and truly hated doing it. With the new one's I can get it done in 1/4 the time (no this is not an exaggeration) and I can't be more thankful! Sometimes it's the simple things in life that make all the difference! :)


Jessica said...

Now...if that laundry could just fold it's self... Hope your having a great day!

Deb said...

Yay for new appliances! Totally thankful for them!

Lori said...

for. reals. i miss my awesome set. yay for time savers!

Tanya said...

:) I'm glad you were able to get them, finally! I totally agree on teh small things! I was thinking of my dishwasher today, LOL!