Monday, March 30, 2009

The way we adapt....

Since Josh got his NG tube it has been hard to bathe him. He is a very excited baby in the tub and makes a massive mess every time. So obviously trying to keep his dressings for the tube dry was a challenge. So i decided to just bathe him in the sink. He is small enough still and I can control the amount of splashing a lot better. He was a little hesitant at first, but tonight seemed to really enjoy it. I had to snap a couple shots since we stopped using the sink for bathing when he was like 5 months old. Poor kid has lost his ability to make a lake on the floor, but he was happy anyway.

Aahhh the way we have learned to adapt to everything. LOL!


nancy said...

at least he gets a bath... lol. Its true we adapt to our situations every time. that is what makes us rocking mommies.

The answer to your question.. pictures are totally self taught. I still struggle with photo shop..

Your kids are cute. love them

Chantel and Brian said...

No kidding. You have to adapt to everything with that little boy. Do he get cold in the sink when you bathe him?

Tanya said...

hee hee, well, I will make sure my daughter doesn't see these! She recently saw a picture of herself in the bathroom sink bathing (you know, before she could sit up!) and she's been asking when i will bathe her in the sink agian... uhhhh....! lol

Jessica said...

I'm glad to hear things are going so good. These are very cute pictures. Thank you for all of your support. I need it right now.