Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ultrasound and Baby news

I had my Targeted Ultrasound yesterday. That is where they do all the measurements, check the heart, make sure there aren't any problems ect. Everything looks perfect! The best news I can hear! I did ask specifically about the head size with the history Josh has with microcephaly. is a girl for sure! I think even though I was told that last time it was a girl, I was still afraid it could change.

So it looks like I can breath a sigh of relief and get to planning!! We are going to name her Kaitlyn Margie Christensen. Her middle name is after Scott's Grandma. She is an amazing women and it will be such an honor to use her name.

That being said..... the pregnancy is going about how I figured, with some minor bumps along the way. When I went in today for my regular appointment, my blood pressure was 98/45. So a bit low. For now she thinks it is just the way my body is responding to the diabetes and sugar problems. I sure hope so. I get dizzy so much... not just a little, but like knock me off my feet and throw up. I am just going to watch the dizziness and other stuff and go back in if it gets worse. She'll just monitor it for now.

I saw the Endocrinologist last friday. He started me on insulin twice a day. At night I take a long acting to help with the fasting sugars, and just a short acting with breakfast since my morning ones were higher. But he did blood work and found I am way under doing the carb eating... I need to have 45 per meal and 15 per snack. So I started doing that and emailed him the results monday night. Big surprise that once I started eating more carbs (I was really cutting them out before because of the fear of high sugars), they skyrocketed. So now I added insulin for all meals and upped the insulin I was taking already. So far.... still high. I remember with Josh we never really got the fasting sugars in a great place. It has something to do with your liver producing sugars at night while you sleep and your body not using them since you are resting. Nothing I have any control over.

So it looks like for now..... the rollercoaster of blood testing and insulin is going wild. I hope by next week to have it going better. I will email him on friday with my last few days of levels and we'll go from there. I am just glad that I can do this by email and not keep having to go back. Small blessings.

As soon as I can get the pictures to scan from my ultrasound yesterday, I will get them posted.


Lori said...

i love the name! congrats!

Jessica said...

I also love the name! I want to get together soon, I wanna see a pregnant Melissa!

Alice said...

Happy to hear about your healthy baby GIRL ;) Good luck with the sugars...that totally sucks.

Chantel and Brian said...

I am so excited that it is for sure a girl. Evelyn needs a girl cousin close to her age...on our side of the family. Plus the boys still have the vast majority in grandkids for mom/dad. Good luck on your sugars. I hope that all gets squared away and I'm sorry you have to go through it. I love the name Kaitlyn. We might have used it with Evelyn if Kevin and Whitney hadn't already used it.

Deb said...

So glad to hear things are looking good! I wish all doctor appointments could be via email. That'd be awesome without the copay and such.

Tanya said...

:) Very pretty name. Sorry about the bumps in the road.

Annie said...

Hooray for all things pink! Sorry to hear about all of the sugar problems. That is no fun at all. Your almost half way there, so I bet that feels good!

Jess said...

congrats maybe someday if i ever go back ciera can play with ur daughter

Amy said...

I am still so excited to have another neice. The boys still out number the girls in grandkids. I love the name you guys picked. I can already picture her and it seems the name already goes with her. I hope you can get all the blood sugar stuff figured out so your body can maybe catch a little break.I am waiting for the pictures of the Ultrasound. If all else fails take a picture of the pictures!

Sherri said...

I happened on to your blog, I think through Facebook and friends from our ward in Sunset. I was a Knowles but I don't quite remember you all except the blonde hair.

I wanted you to know that I happened upon your blog one night when I was having a hard time, feeling sorry for myself. We have 2 Type 1 diabetics -my husband and my 2 year-old plus all the extended family issues that will probably never get resolved.

I appreciate you honestly sharing what you go through. Sometimes I feel like such a drag, complaining on my blog, but I think it helps us and others who read it realize what we all go through.

Your mom was also my nurse when I had my first child, almost 12 years ago. She was, by far, my favorite.

Congrats on #4 and it being a girl. I think every mom should get the opportunity to have a girl. We have four! And one lucky oldest brother.